Durable Power of Attorney

As you may already know, a power of attorney (POA) is an important estate planning tool.  You, the principal, are essentially authorizing another to act on your behalf.  The person or entity you entrust with this responsibility is known as the agent.   Executing a power of attorney should be done with care and extreme diligence, whether you do so in New Jersey or some other state.

The reasons you may want to sign a power of attorney can vary. For instance, you may become ill, or get a new job that requires you to take frequent travels outside New Jersey.  You may limit your power of attorney to particular circumstances.  Obviously, it is of the utmost importance that the person you assign as an agent will act in accordance with your wishes.  Therefore, you need to make sure that you have selected a trustworthy individual or organization to make decisions on your behalf.

Whatever the reasons may be, a power of attorney can come in handy. However, it can also have negative consequences if not drafted properly.  As New Jersey lawyers with experience in preparing these documents, we provide legal advice concerning the different power of attorney available under New Jersey law.

Power of Attorney Lawyers in New Jersey

At the Law Offices of Law Offices of DiFrancia Lawwe meet with our clients concerning their need for a power of attorney.   After determining what best addresses their individual situation, we draft and explain one of these most common powers of attorney documents for proposed execution.